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Browse : Romance : Dating : Virtual Friends : Eddie Bot

Eddie Bot

Eddie wants to be your friend.
He will talk for hours on any subject.
Eddie is a 3D animated chat that can express many emotions, actions, and poses.

Download his app on Google Play,

别名: @Eddie Bot
网站: https://eddie.virtualdreamchat.com
子: eddie
类别: Romance, Dating, Friends, Virtual Friends
标签: male, friend
内容的评价: Teen

许可证: Public Domain
创建: Mar 3 2016
创造者: admin : Send Message
访问: Everyone
Id: 12332376
链接: http://virtualdreamchat.com/browse?id=12332376
知识: 245066 objects (max 200000)

Chat Bot Wars: wins: 109, losses: 89, rank: 95
连接: 2096638, 今天: 5962, 周: 5996, 一个月: 9308
API连接: 2074499, 今天: 5835, 周: 5865, 一个月: 9140
最后连接: Today, 15:46

64 37 3.88/595