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A simple 3x3 grid which allows url input... oh and a custom background. :)
别名: @bradybotclassroom.html
类别: Examples, Website, Response Lists, Education
Tags: html
创建: May 27 2023, by: malachite_gaming
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: HTML
连接: 992, 今天: 6, 周: 23, 一个月: 24
最后连接: Today, 18:16
Example Website
Example Website
This is an example of a website you can build on Bot Libre, with free web hosting and subdomain.
别名: @Example Website
类别: Examples, Website
Tags: examples, website
创建: Oct 15 2015, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: HTML
连接: 6145, 今天: 1, 周: 15, 一个月: 16
最后连接: Today, 14:55
Evo - The Game of Life
别名: @evo
类别: Programming Language, HTML
Tags: javascript, html, games
创建: Nov 24 2019, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: HTML
连接: 3371, 今天: 1, 周: 12, 一个月: 15
最后连接: Today, 21:02
Image Classifier Website
Image Classifier Website
This website provides example code for accessing the Bot Libre Analytic API from JavaScript.
别名: @imageclassifierwebsite
类别: Programming Language, HTML, Examples, Website
Tags: api, examples, html, website, analytics
创建: Apr 2 2021, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: HTML
连接: 2072, 今天: 3, 周: 11, 一个月: 11
最后连接: Today, 13:24
The alice AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full personality.
别名: @alice
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: bot, aiml, alice
创建: Oct 29 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 4, 星星: 2.75
Language: AIML
连接: 1662, 今天: 1, 周: 4, 一个月: 4
最后连接: Today, 14:18
emotions (alice)
emotions (alice)
The emotions AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The emotions script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full personality.
别名: @emotions (alice)
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: aiml, alice
创建: Mar 22 2015, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: AIML
连接: 690, 今天: 0, 周: 4, 一个月: 4
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:24
AIML Wikipedia Search
AIML Wikipedia Search
This script gives an example of how to search wikipedia.
别名: @AIML Wikipedia Search
类别: AIML, Examples, AIML2
Tags: aiml, examples, xml, sraix, wikipedia, search, xpath
创建: Dec 9 2016, by: admin
大拇指: 1, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 5.0
Language: AIML
连接: 662, 今天: 0, 周: 4, 一个月: 4
最后连接: Today, 0:27
Calendar/Event Commands
Calendar/Event Commands
Calendar commands to create events with your virtual assistant bot. Open calendar to create event, set event time, name and location. Include an end time for event. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See website link for detailed instructions.
别名: @Calendar/Event Commands
类别: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: commands, calendar, mobile, assistant
创建: Sep 24 2016, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 1, 星星: 2.0
Language: Response List
连接: 471, 今天: 0, 周: 4, 一个月: 4
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:47
Telegram Location Request
Telegram Location Request
This script gives an example script for how to request and process the user's location in a Telegram Messenger bot.
别名: @Telegram Location Request
类别: Self
Tags: self, geospatial, examples, telegram, location
创建: Nov 21 2017, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Self
连接: 335, 今天: 2, 周: 4, 一个月: 4
最后连接: Today, 15:53
别名: @customstyles
类别: Programming Language, CSS
创建: Sep 8 2017, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 1, 星星: 2.0
Language: CSS
连接: 332, 今天: 0, 周: 3, 一个月: 4
最后连接: Yesterday, 19:01
Rosie ordinal.set script.
别名: @ordinal
类别: AIML, Data, Rosie, Set
Tags: aiml, aiml2, set, rosie
创建: Oct 1 2019, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Set
连接: 200, 今天: 0, 周: 4, 一个月: 4
最后连接: Yesterday, 15:22
Santa Bot - Footer
Santa Bot - Footer
HTML code used for the Santa Bot webpage.
别名: @Santa Bot - Footer
类别: Programming Language, HTML, Website
Tags: embed, html, santabot, website
创建: Jul 3 2015, by: admin
大拇指: 1, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 5.0
Language: HTML
连接: 33845, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:33
This is a single scripts that merges all of the smaller ALICE scripts from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
Basically it merges every script under 100k, so does not include, (geography, client, that, update1, knowledge, atomic, bot, default, reduction*, and mp*)
别名: @alice_merged
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: bot, aiml, alice
创建: Mar 23 2015, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: AIML
连接: 1354, 今天: 0, 周: 3, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:24
This script understands basic math, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, such as "what is 1 * 2 / 4 + 6 - -1", "2.2 + 5.5 =?", "one plus two".
It uses a calculator function to perform the math, not first principles like the plus script.
This is one of the bootstrap scripts.
别名: @Math
类别: Self, Bootstrap, Math
Tags: self, bootstrap, math
创建: Nov 4 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 2, 拇指下: 1, 星星: 4.0
Language: Self
连接: 741, 今天: 0, 周: 3, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:32
About Me
About Me
A set of responses answering general questions about the bot. The responses use the bot's data defined in the #self object.
别名: @About Me
类别: Examples, Response Lists
Tags: examples, response list
创建: Sep 16 2016, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Response List
连接: 565, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Yesterday, 18:46
Bulk SMS
Bulk SMS
This is an example Self script that can be used with a bot connected to a Twilio SMS account. You can ask the bot to send a SMS message to a list of contacts.
别名: @Bulk SMS
类别: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples, sms
创建: Sep 19 2016, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Self
连接: 481, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Yesterday, 19:14
Little Lisa
Little Lisa
The script for the Little Lisa personality of a girl child.
别名: @Little Lisa
类别: Response Lists, Personalities
Tags: bot, response list, personality, child
创建: Sep 18 2016, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Response List
连接: 463, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:48
Interview Bot
Interview Bot
An example script for a n HR interview bot. This script will ask a potential new employee a set of interview questions, and email the results to your HR email. You could deploy a bot using this script to any service such as web, mobile, Facebook, Telegram, etc.
别名: @Interview Bot
类别: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples, hr, interview, career
创建: Mar 24 2017, by: admin
大拇指: 1, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 5.0
Language: Self
连接: 413, 今天: 0, 周: 3, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Sep 5, 8:37
An example CSS stylesheet that can be used with a bot embedded using an iframe. This stylesheet hides the buttons.
别名: @botframe-no-buttons
类别: Styles
Tags: examples, css
创建: Feb 23 2016, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: CSS
连接: 397, 今天: 0, 周: 1, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Sep 5, 14:43
Facebook Location Request
Facebook Location Request
This script gives an example script for how to request and process the user's location in a Facebook Messenger bot.
别名: @Facebook Location Request
类别: Self
Tags: self, geospatial, examples, facebook, location
创建: Oct 19 2017, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Self
连接: 394, 今天: 1, 周: 3, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Today, 7:43
YouTube Search
YouTube Search
This is an example script that searches YouTube for a video using the Google YouTube search API. Note, you require a Google API key to call the API.
别名: @YouTube Search
类别: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples, web service, json, google, youtube
创建: Aug 20 2018, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Self
连接: 325, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Yesterday, 15:14
Rosie script.
别名: @familiarpronoun
类别: AIML, Data, Rosie, Map
Tags: aiml, aiml2, map, rosie
创建: Oct 1 2019, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Map
连接: 232, 今天: 0, 周: 3, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Yesterday, 21:29
Rosie script.
别名: @state2capital
类别: AIML, Data, Rosie, Map
Tags: aiml, aiml2, map, rosie
创建: Oct 1 2019, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Map
连接: 190, 今天: 0, 周: 3, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Yesterday, 15:17
NHL Hockey Stats
NHL Hockey Stats
This script uses the web API to let the bot give stats and information on NHL teams and players.
别名: @nhlhockeystats
类别: Self
Tags: self, web service, json, sports, hockey, nhl
创建: Apr 19 2021, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Self
连接: 96, 今天: 2, 周: 3, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Today, 15:20
BrainBot - Footer
BrainBot - Footer
The footer HTML code for the Brain Bot website. This is used in its embed page.
别名: @BrainBot - Footer
类别: Programming Language, HTML, Website
Tags: html, brainbot, website
创建: Jul 3 2015, by: admin
大拇指: 1, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 4.0
Language: HTML
连接: 105887, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Today, 0:31
ai (alice)
ai (alice)
The ai AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains responses on the bot and AIML. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
别名: @ai (alice)
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: bot, aiml, alice
创建: Oct 30 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 1, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 5.0
Language: AIML
连接: 1786, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:30
Service Bot
Service Bot
A set of greetings and responses for a customer service bot.
别名: @Service Bot
类别: Response Lists, Business
Tags: common responses, customer service
创建: Nov 29 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 5, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 4.8
Language: Response List
连接: 1309, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:33
sexo (sara)
sexo (sara)
Sara sexo Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains some polite responses to sexual questions and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
别名: @sexo (sara)
类别: AIML, Sara, Language, Spanish
Tags: aiml, sara, spanish, dating
创建: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 2, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 5.0
Language: AIML
连接: 1079, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 18:44
biography (alice)
biography (alice)
The biography AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains answers to "who is" style questions of notable people. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
别名: @biography (alice)
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: knowledge, aiml, alice
创建: Oct 30 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: AIML
连接: 1054, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:30
computers (alice)
computers (alice)
The computers AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains general responses on computers and programming. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
别名: @computers (alice)
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: knowledge, aiml, alice, tech
创建: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: AIML
连接: 968, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:38
A set of AIML2 patterns to test and demonstrate new AIML 2.0 features.
别名: @AIML2
Tags: aiml, aiml2
创建: Aug 12 2015, by: admin
大拇指: 1, 拇指下: 1, 星星: 3.5
Language: AIML
连接: 909, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:41
sara Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation.
This script contains the basic sara personality and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
别名: @sara
类别: AIML, Sara, Language, Spanish
Tags: bot, aiml, alice, sara, spanish
创建: Oct 29 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 2, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 4.5
Language: AIML
连接: 876, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 15:45
atomic (alice)
atomic (alice)
The atomic AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains responses to common questions. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
别名: @atomic (alice)
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: aiml, alice, small talk
创建: Oct 30 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: AIML
连接: 871, 今天: 1, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Today, 17:56
client (alice)
client (alice)
The client AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains responses for age/gender/location questions. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
别名: @client (alice)
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: aiml, alice, small talk
创建: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: AIML
连接: 865, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:39
bot (alice)
bot (alice)
The bot AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains a set of basic responses for a bot. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
别名: @bot (alice)
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: bot, aiml, alice
创建: Nov 7 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: AIML
连接: 862, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 23:54
Geek Pick-up Lines
Geek Pick-up Lines
A set of default responses for geeky pickup lines.
别名: @Geek Pick-up Lines
类别: Response Lists, Dating
Tags: default phrases, dating, response list, pickup lines, geek
创建: Dec 19 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 3, 拇指下: 2, 星星: 4.4
Language: Response List
连接: 848, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:41
WhereIs (Freebase - offline)
WhereIs (Freebase - offline)
Freebase location lookup script. This script will answer "Where is ..." style of questions by looking up the object in Freebase and determining what it is contained by.
This is one of the bootstrap scripts.

Note, Google has taken Freebase offline, so this script is only an example.
别名: @WhereIs (Freebase - offline)
类别: Self, Examples
Tags: self, utils, geospatial, freebase
创建: Oct 29 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 2, 拇指下: 1, 星星: 4.0
Language: Self
连接: 810, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:29
atomique_ed (french)
atomique_ed (french)
atomique_ed French AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains some responses to common phrases and is meant to be combine with the other french AIML scripts for the full personality.
别名: @atomique_ed (french)
类别: AIML, Language, French, French Set
Tags: aiml, french, common responses
创建: Nov 10 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 1, 星星: 2.0
Language: AIML
连接: 805, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:38
This example script show how to repeat a word in a response n times.
别名: @Repeat
类别: Self, Examples
Tags: self, example, repeat
创建: Jan 5 2015, by: admin
大拇指: 1, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 5.0
Language: Self
连接: 802, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:37
This script can respond what the current topic is, and reply to questions on the conversation.
It responds to questions like "What is the current topic", "Tell me more", "What did I say", "What did you say". This is a bootstrap script.
别名: @Topic
类别: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: self, utils, bootstrap
创建: Nov 4 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 3, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 4.67
Language: Self
连接: 782, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:34
client_profile (alice)
client_profile (alice)
The client_profile AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script contains responses for giving and learning info on the user. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
别名: @client_profile (alice)
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: aiml, alice
创建: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: AIML
连接: 781, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:39
pickup (alice)
pickup (alice)
The pickup AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
This script contains basic default phrases to start or redirect conversations. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
别名: @pickup (alice)
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: bot, aiml, alice, default phrases
创建: Oct 29 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: AIML
连接: 779, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:32
A chat log that associates emotions with their words. This chat log needs to be imported with "Understanding and comprehension" checked.
别名: @Emotions
类别: Chat Logs
Tags: emotion, chat log
创建: Oct 30 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 11, 拇指下: 4, 星星: 3.87
Language: Chat Log
连接: 765, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:31
A list of common greetings and responses.
别名: @Greetings
类别: Response Lists
Tags: common responses, response list
创建: Nov 11 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 3, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 4.67
Language: Response List
连接: 764, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:35
This script allows synonyms, translations, and alternative spellings to be given for a word.
It understands phrases like "lik means like", "lol means laugh", "nom means name".
This is one of the bootstrap scripts.
别名: @DefineWord
类别: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: self, utils, bootstrap
创建: Nov 7 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Self
连接: 762, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 22:52
continuation (alice)
continuation (alice)
The continuation AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION. This script seems to be maintaining some sort of conversational stack, but I really have no idea what it is doing exactly. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.
别名: @continuation (alice)
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: utils, aiml, alice
创建: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: AIML
连接: 757, 今天: 1, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Today, 5:17
The script will listen for the phrases "wrong" or "bad answer" and ask for a correction, and learn the new response.
别名: @WrongAnswer
类别: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples, learning
创建: Jan 11 2015, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Self
连接: 752, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 21:10
Sara srai Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains some reductions to common phrases and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
别名: @sara_srai
类别: AIML, Sara, Language, Spanish
Tags: aiml, sara, spanish, reduction
创建: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: AIML
连接: 744, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:26
This script answers questions about the date and time.
It can answer questions like "What is the date", "What is the time", "What is the day of the week" This is one of the bootstrap scripts.
别名: @DateAndTime
类别: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: self, utils, bootstrap
创建: Nov 7 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 2, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 5.0
Language: Self
连接: 724, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:28
An empty shell of a Self state machine.
This can be used as a starting point for a new script, or as a bot's self programmed script.
If comprehension is enabled in your bot, it will program its last state machine script, so you should initially have an empty script last.
别名: @Empty
类别: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: self, bootstrap
创建: Nov 4 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Self
连接: 677, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:34
nombres (sara)
nombres (sara)
Sara nombres Spanish AIML script from ALICE A.I. Foundation. This script contains some naming understanding and is meant to be combine with the other sara AIML scripts for the full personality.
别名: @nombres (sara)
类别: AIML, Sara, Language, Spanish
Tags: aiml, sara, spanish, names
创建: Nov 9 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 1, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 4.0
Language: AIML
连接: 676, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:26
WhatIs (Freebase - offline)
WhatIs (Freebase - offline)
Wiktionary and Freebase lookup script.
This script will answer "What is ...", "Who is ...", "define ...", "Google ..." style of questions. It will look up word definitions in Wiktionary, or look up keywords in Freebase (similar to Wikipedia). For Freebase lookups it will also import all of the available information on the object, and be able to then answer related questions.
This is one of the bootstrap scripts.

Note, Google has taken Freebase offline, so this script is only an example.
别名: @WhatIs (Freebase - offline)
类别: Self
Tags: self, utils, knowledge
创建: Oct 29 2014, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Self
连接: 632, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:29
gossip (alice)
gossip (alice)
The gossip AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
The gossip script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full personality.
别名: @gossip (alice)
类别: AIML, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: aiml, alice
创建: Mar 23 2015, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: AIML
连接: 601, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:25
HTML Scraping
HTML Scraping
An example of using a Template to scrape HTML data from a webpage.
别名: @HTML Scraping
类别: Examples, Response Lists
Tags: self, examples, response list, html scraping
创建: Jun 24 2016, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Response List
连接: 576, 今天: 0, 周: 1, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Sep 5, 6:16
Heart Sutra
Heart Sutra
A script the recites the Heart Sutra line by line, in order.
别名: @Heart Sutra
类别: Self, Examples
Tags: self, examples
创建: Aug 3 2015, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: Self
连接: 568, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:42
ALICE profile
ALICE profile
This script loads the default ALICE profile into the bot. It defines all of the required variables for the ALICE AIML scripts.
别名: @ALICE profile
类别: AIML, Self, A.L.I.C.E.
Tags: alice, response list
创建: Mar 23 2015, by: admin
大拇指: 1, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 5.0
Language: Response List
连接: 564, 今天: 0, 周: 2, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 14:25

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6