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Bot Libre Forum

My app's microphone did not work

通过 jyambz 发布 Aug 8 2021, 7:56


As I am trying to use my app's microphone tonight, unfortunately, did not work but yesterday was doing fine.

by admin posted Aug 9 2021, 11:04
Try rebooting your phone.

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Views: 849, today: 154, week: 157, month: 171

by jyambz posted Aug 10 2021, 0:06

I did everything but unfortunately it did not work. I will try to install another apk if it will work.


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Views: 882, today: 148, week: 151, month: 169

by jyambz posted Aug 10 2021, 0:08

No signs of toggle on. There is no red signal.

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Views: 848, today: 149, week: 151, month: 164

by admin posted Aug 10 2021, 10:22
My guess is that you denied access to your microphone to the app. You need to go into your Android settings, security and grant mic access to the app.

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Views: 922, today: 139, week: 142, month: 157

Id: 39694919
标签: microphone
发布: Aug 8 2021, 7:56
答复: 4
的风景: 1115, 今天: 152, 周: 153, 一个月: 172
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