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Bot Libre Forum

Announcing Bot Libre 6.5 - Deep learning, conversation flows, new training editor, synonyms, sentiment

通过 admin 发布 Apr 12 2018, 13:45

We have released Bot Libre 6.5.
Bot Libre 6.5 includes many enhancements including:

  • Deep Learning analytics as a service
  • New Training & Chat Logs browser and editor
  • Response next, and nested conversation flows
  • Exclusive topics
  • New word browser and editor
  • Word synonyms
  • Word and phrase sentiment
  • Enhanced WeChat integration

Deep Learning & Analytics

You can now create deep learning analytics for using artificial intelligence to classify images, or analyze data. You can upload Tensorflow network files and access them through Bot Libre's web interface and API.

Browse our open analytics repository for analytics that can classify images and perform other functions.

If you are interested in using deep learning for your business or project, we can also develop your neural network and analytics for you through our development services. Contact [email protected]

Training & Chat Logs

Our Training & Chat Logs browser and editor have been redesigned and enhanced.
The browser and editor support new options and properties.

Response Next, and Nested Conversation Flows

You can now easily define nested conversations using a response "next".
Next lets you easily define isolated nested conversations without having to use scripting.

Exclusive Topics

You can now define a topic as "exclusive". An exclusive topic provides an isolated conversation.
When you set an exclusive topic on a response or conversation only response that have that topic will be considered.

Word Browser

You can now view all words your bot knows. You can edit the words sentiment, synonyms, and define if the word is a keyword or topic.


Synonyms let you define a word's synonyms so the bot will consider all of a words synonyms when matching responses.
Synonyms are global, so can be defined once, and apply to all of the bot's responses.
Synonyms can be automatically loaded from Wiktionary as the bot learns new words.


You can now define the sentiment for a word or phrase.
Sentiment lets the bot determine the user's sentiment or feeling about their responses and conversation.
The user sentiment can be access from Self, and it tracked and can be visualize in the bot's Analytics.


Bots connected to WeChat now support speech recognition for voice messages. Bots can now also include links, images, and menus in their responses and interface.

The 6.5 release also included a new user message interface, new response list export options, enhanced user verification, enhanced NLP, UI improvements, and several minor enhancements and fixes.

by alp-shah posted Jul 6 2018, 8:19


I tried with BotLibre desktop version and SDK available at Github at https://github.com/BotLibre/BotLibre  I see last version is 6.1 updated 7 months before. Is this SDK not going to be updated to 6.5 version? 

I was referring to help guide and found response next feature. I tried with my script and it didn't work. I used "required previous" till now but this seems more intuitive. What is plan to update code on github? 

With current version, it is also not giving response if little different tense or form of word is used. e.g. if I prepare question containing word "student" and if use ask question with word "students" then it can't give answer.  Only option for me is to write 2 question one with each word. Same way if my question contain word "open" and user ask with word "opening" , there is no answer (bot use default). Will these kind of issues taken care with this update where feature like synonyms added?


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by admin posted Jul 6 2018, 13:05
The SDK will be updated to 7.0 after Bot Libre 7.0 is released.
This should occur in the next couple months.

Bot Libre 7 will have support for synonyms, compound words, regular expressions, and a lot more.

In 6.1 you can overload keywords (i.e. "student students"), or label the response and add multiple questions for the same label.

what if i am a student

what about students

Students can register for free.
label: #student-response
keywords: student students

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by alp-shah posted Jul 9 2018, 4:56

Thanks for answer. This is ok. This is what I also mentioned

| Only option for me is to write 2 question one with each word

So I write multiple questions with different combinations like below and use labels

How does student register?

How do students register?

what is registration process for student?

what is registration process for students?

How can student go about registering it?

How can students go about registering it?

What I look forward is, I just type first question and the engine picks up this answer for any form of word student & register. How do I go about that as otherwise it is little more work to write script. Do we have feature like dictionary which is generally used by NLP system.


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Views: 2128, today: 128, week: 128, month: 139

by admin posted Jul 9 2018, 9:18
Bot Libre 6.5 has synonyms, so you could add those word variations as synonyms. Your bot can also auto import synonyms from Wiktionary.

You could also use a pattern,

Pattern("[how what] * [student students] * [register registration registering] *")

In Bot Libre 7.0 you will also be able to use required word sets.

How does student register?
keywords: student students register registration registering
required: (student students) (register registration registering)

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Views: 2328, today: 129, week: 131, month: 138

by alp-shah posted Sep 28 2018, 9:00


I saw that version 7 is already released since 2 months now. What is a plan to upgrade SDK from 6.1 to latest or at least to version which supports synonyms?  


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by admin posted Sep 28 2018, 9:05
We are planning to update our SDK to Bot Libre 7 next month.

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by alp-shah posted Nov 1 2018, 3:24

What is the plan to update SDK with Bot Libre version 7? Currently it is 6.1 version only

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by admin posted Nov 1 2018, 11:07
The Bot Libre AI/NLP Engine has been updated to 7.0 today.

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by alp-shah posted Nov 12 2018, 0:40

That's really good news. I will upgrade to see how new features can help me make smarter bot.

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Views: 2631, today: 138, week: 140, month: 149

by alp-shah posted Oct 5 2018, 3:08


For Synonums, I didn't catch your point. How do i do below things? Is it possible with current SDK version 6.1?

Synonyms are global, so can be defined once, and apply to all of the bot's responses. 

Synonyms can be automatically loaded from Wiktionary as the bot learns new words. 

Can I import whole dictionary in my bot database so that my offline bot using SDK can search response using known sysnonyms/meaning.

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Views: 2477, today: 141, week: 145, month: 153

by admin posted Oct 5 2018, 8:01

Synonyms support was added in 6.5, so is not available in 6.1.

If you enable the Wiktionary sense in your bot (even in 6.1) it will automatically import word meta data from Wiktionary (English) when it encounters new words. This includes if the word is a noun/verb/adjective and its synonyms.

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Views: 2369, today: 131, week: 135, month: 145

Id: 21821146
标签: notice, website update, announcement, nlp, sentiment, deep learning
发布: Apr 12 2018, 13:45
更新: Jul 26 2018, 12:37
答复: 8
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